Monday, August 21, 2006

Spying an intelligent search engine | CNET

While most would agree that Google has set the current standard for Web search, some technologists say even better tools are on the horizon thanks to advances in artificial intelligence.
Search is like oxygen for many people now, and considering Google's breakthroughs in Web document analysis, supercomputing and Internet advertising, it can be easy to think this is as good as it gets. But some entrepreneurs in artificial intelligence (AI) say that Google is not the end of history. Rather, its techniques are a baseline of where we're headed next.

Spying an intelligent search engine | CNET

A bit of a lengthy article this one…but quite good. Some stuff about how we’re only just starting to touch on what search engines will be able to do for us. I’ll be interested to see how this pans out over the next year or two. I’ve seen quite a few predictions about wonderful services, many of which I’ve tried. Yet I keep going back to Google for most things. However, there are some really good tools out there so watch this space if you are at all interested in searching on the net.


At 11:56 PM, Blogger David Topps said...

There is some mention in this post about a new medical search engine called MedStory. Worth checking out at


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