Saturday, February 25, 2006

Cross Media Annotation System - xMAS

Now this could be helpful to those of us who continue to struggle with getting copyrighted information out to our students while on their distributed rotations. While it currently applies to DVD material, the same principle may be extensible to other resources.

The Impact of Emerging Technologies: Lenses of Liquid - Technology Review

Hmm, looks like things will be getting slightly damp inside the PDA or camera phone of the future, what with liquid lenses and methanol fuel cells. Here is some interesting basic physics that may pan out to produce much better optics in these small cameras. Could have useful applications in clinical situations in the future especially for capturing good clinical images for teaching.

Friday, February 24, 2006 : Editor of Canada's top medical journal fired

Wow...John Hoey, Editor of the CMAJ, got fired. And not for the best of reasons by the sound of things - not really enough information here to truly judge but take a look at see what you think.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Acoustic Magic - Product Page

Having trouble recording meetings or focus groups or classes in a larger room setting. This can be a particularly irksome problem if the room has lousy acoustics or if some of the speakers do not "project" their voices. For situations like this, the Voice Tracker microphone works really well. (I have no relationship with the company, by the way) We used some down in Australia for recording focus groups for a qualitative research project. Not cheap but very effective. The USB option does give you significantly clearer sound quality for techie reasons that I won't get into here (unless you're interested...)

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Mobile Data Visualization

An interesting article about patient information on your PDA.

Marc Olson's Groove "12" Blog

Groove was a very promising collaboration tool...very much thought to be the best of breed by some but then it disappeared...into the maw of Microsoft. Well, it looks like it is resurfacing - of course, with the M$ marketing hype, sliced bread positively wilts in comparison etc etc. However, it was a solid tool before and may be worth looking at again, especially for those who are significantly tied to MS Office etc. One wonders how this ties together with MS offerings like SharePoint...we'll keep ya posted.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Three Dimensional Images in the Air

Imminently useful in our day to day teaching lives...I think not...but interesting nonetheless. The holodeck will be up and running next week!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Auricle has an interesting post re MyGlu, a method for integrating RSS feeds. Well...when I say interesting, it is really only for those of us trying to get blogs up and running well. (Mike, take a look). Others may want to skip this one...

Cardiovascular Ultrasound Full text Dynamic 3D echocardiography in virtual reality
A possible taste of what's to come at our Virtual Reality workshop here at NOSM on March 3rd.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Information Overload: Blogs As Content Navigators, Information Filters, Trusted Niche Guides - Robin Good's Latest News
An interesting post from Robin, as usual.

Science & Technology at Scientific "10th Planet" Proves Bigger than Pluto
...and they say that size doesn't matter... - Survey: business presentations are boring
Some brief stats on sleep inducing PowerPoints.

Of Course Our Libraries Should Be Easier To Use
An interesting commentary on the role of academic libraries as we enter the online phase.

Friday, February 10, 2006

This item is not specific to eLearning but the importance for NOSM is great - a just published article in the International Journal of Rural & Remote Health on career intentions of the newly graduating class from James Cook University, Australia. NOSM is partly built on that maybe we are doing the right thing...!